—Tres secretum servare possunt, si duo mortui sint.*


below will be the general rules of attendance and how you should conduct yourselves at our venue. should you break any behavioral conducts, you may be asked to leave and issued a warning. if the behaviors persist, you will be ignored and subsequently banned.

  1. please refrain from using shout / yell channels. staff will be using these channels throughout the night to relay information.

  2. please refrain from spamming emotes. do not use emotes to troll and be a nuisance.

  1. once more, please be kind to everyone here. be mindful of others and conduct yourself in a respectful manner so that everyone can have fun.

  2. we do not tolerate usage of slurs, homophobia, racism, transphobia, etc. bigotry is not welcome here. you will be asked to leave, & promptly banned.


Do you ever wonder what others whisper about right out of earshot? Or perhaps you have felt like the conversation has paused the moment you wondered into a room, keeping secrets and hushed rumors behind a veil. This speakeasy serves as a final resting place for such, a home to the mysteries and tales sang by others throughout time.Come, take that weight off your shoulders, and indulge others under dim lights. Perhaps information, payed or given freely, might just save a life, but it is up to you if you care or not.We welcome all walks of life. Any convictions are left outside the doors by our staff, though one can not control the minds of others.We offer jobs and missions, both given by the house and its partners, but are you willing to do what is needed? These range in severity and it is in your hands to reach out to our dear whisperers to get more information.

We are a 21+ venue. Due to the nature of the subjects discussed and explored on the building, we cannot allow minors (both IC and OOC) within the venue.There will be darker themes. This is a fair warning to those who wish to come and roleplay. We encourage others who might not feel comfortable to consider one of the side rooms to still enjoy to space.




Even if our bar staff might be a lone Namazu (npc), the others who choose to give their time carry knowledge that could lead to jobs or even connections. Jobs and missions are posted and given out on request, but if you are one who likes a challenge and thinks they can take on something not so normal, try speaking to an employee or the Lady of the house.While we are focused on giving story hooks and plots to people who wish to write or make an rp with their own group about missions, we do also serve as a place where rp happens. We wish to keep an immersive experience for those who want it surrounding a preestablished story with our staff. When IC deals happen, it could add more missions and events, and in turn, things change and things might shift from open to open.


Private rooms are offered as meeting rooms for groups to plan missions, share and gather information, or seek refuge if something has happened. Within the premises, we value keeping people safe from any outside harm.Rooms are well guarded by wards. We will not tolerate violence within the meeting rooms, and with that said, when a room is booked out, the host will receive the rules for the room. For immersion reasons, we would like said rules to be followed if they are broken, but ultimately, it is up to you ooc if you wish to play with the tools given.There are only a few people who can control the wards and have the knowledge to do such. Any tampering will be known and violators will be dealt with accordingly.

Under the bar and lounge sits a library of knowledge throughout the years. Documented experiences, stories, and tomes one might not fine elsewhere. Where did some of them come from or rather, how did they get there? We ask to refrain from inquiring about such. The Lady of the house would rather have curious minds wonder and learn. Books deserve to be read, not locked away behind lock any key. Knowledge is power after all.

The library is open to all, though the books behind glass do need a password to open. Lore on creatures outside of this shard, stories that grow darker as time passes, as well as rumors from other cities are tucked away for those who have favor of the house itself, or coin. Cursed tomes are no joke and sadly, the establishment will not be responsible for misuse if granted access.

This space focuses on immersion. We want everyone that find their way in to feel welcomed. Building plots and being a hub for story building is a goal that we wish to keep along with making connections. While the venue is labeled as a speak easy, we encourage there to be more. IC drama is welcome, but please do not pull away from other groups that might already be present. Take it to another part of the venue if so. We understand the value of character building and we encourage that.IC drama will have IC repercussions

carrd designed by cassiaslair.


below, you will find our staff roster. see a friendly face or someone who piques your interest? go on, approach them!


—There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.


AGE | GENDER . 127 | Female | She/Her
ROLE. Lady of the House.
ABOUT. A curious mind at work. This Veena works with pride and seemingly does not take no for an answer. A silver tongue with years of knowledge at her fingertips, she is willing to help those in need, for a price. She has a kind nature, but that glow in her eyes and those veins under her skin might lead one to believe otherwise. She is quick to trust, but it would be wise not to break it..


—I prefer the company of the machines I create, if they let me down I can fix it. Most others tend to be a lost cause.

AGE | GENDER . 44 | Male | He/Him
ROLE. Lord of the House.
ABOUT.A teacher in Sharalyan known for his creations of mechanical nature that are used for the benefit of both daily tasks and defensive against unnatural forces. Owner of the Dark Crimson Tavern, strategist, and one with countless years of Combat Experience.


—This world has answers that I wish to seek.


AGE | GENDER . 92 | Masc NB | He/They
ABOUT. A traveller, dancer, and hunter. He is a curious Rava with something always up his sleeve and many tales to tell. His sights are set on the bigger picture and will do anything to get even a glimps of it.



—Keep walking one foot in front of the other and don't let anyone stop you. Because when you stop, that is when you fail.

AGE | GENDER . 50's | Male | He/him
ROLE. Whisperer
ABOUT. Doctor and mercenary who dwells within the wilds of the Coerthas' forests. Deals in practical medicine and magitek limbs.


—Give me your burdens and I will give you rest.


AGE | GENDER . 27 | Male | He/Him
ROLE. Whisperer
ABOUT. Friendly cryptid and resident chatty Cathy. He likes to learn and his greatest tool is conversation, not that he's especially good at it but he is especially good at guarding information shared with him. But be wary, his questions know no bounds.


—Hearing is listening to what's said. Listening is hearing what isn't said.

AGE | GENDER . 32 | Male | He/Him
ROLE. Whisperer | Bartender
ABOUT.A quiet hyur with a secret but some say he can hear you through the walls, some say he lives in them. Difficult to say which is true and which is not, and a chancing conversation isn't likely to tell you much. He's a good listener though with steady, watchful eyes and an empathetic disposition.


—The consequences of life and death matter naught to me.

AGE | GENDER . 38 | Male | He/Him
ROLE. Bartender
ABOUT.An Oronir from the Steppe, branched off from his tribe at a young age to explore other parts of Othard and even venture to Eorzea. He's quite the gambler and fancies a good card trick or two should one dare to give it a try.


—Sometimes strange things can be found in obvious places.

AGE | GENDER . 25 | Female | She/Her
ROLE. Whisperer
ABOUT. Tends to enjoy assisting others, though has mysteries of her own. She doesn't mind company from both genders, and is great with chatter.


—Please, don't call me 'Lady Archambeau.' It's just Deydri.


AGE | GENDER . 40 | Female | She/Her
ROLE. Whisperer
ABOUT. Sharlayan Archon for her work in aethero-alchemical prosthetics and owner of Red Star Botanicals (The shop is currently closed, unfortunately.) Deydri can occasionally be found as a bard in places such as Limsa or Gridania. Dual-citizenship (Ishgard/Sharlayan).


—Living for others’ll get you nowhere. If you’re gonna live, be alive. Feel everything. Indulge yourself until your last breath.

AGE | GENDER . 41 | Male | He/Him
ROLE. Whisperer | Bartender
ABOUT. Formerly of the Doman Resistance, peace has left him restless and wandering Eorzea. He’s fiercely skilled in combat and happy to take on any job that will quicken his pulse and stir his blood.


—Write your own story, one that is worth reading.

AGE | GENDER . Late 30's | Male | He/Him
ROLE. Bartender
ABOUT. Poet, author, ex-mercenary and former knight for House Durendaire. Jagged spends most of his time either traveling, offering his services as a military advisor and P.I, or having his nose buried in countless books. No longer bound by duty(and debt), this HellsGuard is now finally free to focus on his passions.
Name: Jagged Spear, but also goes by "Jack"



—Not liable for mistakes made while drunk on Liberation.

AGE | GENDER . 30 | Male | He/Him
ROLE. Distiller
ABOUT. Cold as the Moon. Hot as the Sun. Smooth as his very own Liberation Rum™


—Don't be so easy to define. Let them wonder how dark the depths become.


AGE | GENDER . 42 | Male | He/Him
ROLE. Arms Dealer
ABOUT. CEO of Blackthorne Industry, the most premium weapons manufacturer in Eorzea. The xeala towers over most with an impressive height that adds to the ominous nature of this cold creature of a man. While generally unapproachable in public, he is nothing short of gentlemanly to any guest that may he lock eyes with.


—Tis wrong with a good bout in da ring? Nothin better den ta test ones skill.


AGE | GENDER . 34 | Male | He/Him
ROLE. Exporter
ABOUT. Sky Pirate, Treasure Hunter, and Mercenary and former smuggler for the Eorzean Alliance. The Xaela is skilled in both phyiscal and aetherical combat and has shown his skill time and time again. Be weary, he will show you hundreds of pictures of his kids if given the chance and will boast about them as a proud father.


—Your target is lethal, merciless and extreme resilient. Fortunately for you, I have what you need.

AGE | GENDER . 29 | Male | He/Him
ROLE. Classified
ABOUT. Director of the Eorzean Bureau of Unnatural Occurances and CEO of the Vharsei Manufacturing Corporation, a former Garlean with influence, wealth and countless years of combat experience. To most, matters of the unnatural, the strange and the downright terrifying would break most minds. For him? It's just another day at the office.